lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

World War 1 (1914-1918)

Also known as the First World War was a global war staged mainly in Europe because almost all the countries involved were European but there were some presence from Asian countries. It all began many years before with many problems between the countries involved but the trigger to start the war was the assassination of the archiduque Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia Chotek in the city of Sarajevo the 28th of June of 1914. There were many dead soldiers and civilians for all the countries involved obviously there are more in the countries that lost the war.

'Journeys end' is a play written by R. C. Sherriff that interprets the experience of a British army infantry company during World War 1 in Saint-Quentin, France in 1918. It gives a brief glimpse of what was life like in the war for British officers. Sherriff describes the play like a play full of suspense and really entertaining.

By: Santiago Senties

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