lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

What we like

What we like
Hello! My name is Daniel Segura and this are my likings:
I'm a very sporty guy, I personally like basketball and tennis. My favorite basketball team is Los Angeles Lakers, and my favorite player is Kobe Bryant (from that team). I also like Tennis and I think Roger Federer is the best player in the world.
I also like things like music, movies and reading. One of my favorite movies is "The Godfather", which I consider a masterpiece, my favorite music group is "The Beatles" personally I think one of their best songs is "Let it be".
I like to read books from authors like Jorge Ibarguengoitia (Mexico), Emilio Salgari (Italy), Julio Verne (France) and Jose Emilio Pacheco (Mexico).
I suggest a book named "Dos Crimenes" by Ibarguengoitia which tells about a Mexican guy who is running from the police; Its a very intelligent and entertaining story because it reflects all the funny aspects of the Mexican society in the countryside and it criticizes the mexican government in a very profound way.

Hey I'm Santiago Senties and this is what I like to do:
My favorite thing in the whole world is mainly football and I like other things like other sports, movies, music and reading. My favorite national football team is a team called "Pumas de la UNAM" and my favourite international football team is "Chelsea". I like other sports like basketball and my favorite team is The Dallas Maverics. I like all kind of movies like "Children of Men" and "Austin Powers" which are completely different because "Children of men" is an action and drama movie meanwhile "Austin Powers" is a comedy movie. "U2" is by far my favorite music group however I also enjoy "The Who". I love books about vampires and my favorite one is "I am legend" which is an excellent book in that subject written by Richard Matheson and a book which I really recomend!

martes, 19 de agosto de 2008


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In this blog we will try to create an oportunity for you to read and to find interesting stuff...
In here you will find things like film reviews, our stories, book reviews and news reviews. All writen by us. We hope you find it interesting and fun!